posted on April 30, 2014 16:39

May 1, 2014: The Society for Simulation in Healthcare is pleased to announce the SSH & Summa Virtual Care Simulation Lab Sim Ops Regional Meeting Scholarship. This scholarship, funded in part by Summa Virtual Care Simulation Lab, was created to help those with financial need attend the 2014 SSH Sim Ops Regional Meeting to be held July 11-12 at the Peter M. Winter Institute for Simulation Education & Research (WISER).
The SSH & Summa Virtual Care Simulation Lab Sim Ops Regional Meeting Scholarship includes:
• SSH Sim Ops Registration
• 2 nights hotel at the Hilton Garden Inn University Place (official conference hotel)
Two scholarships will be awarded to those who can demonstrate financial need to assist with attendance at SSH Sim Ops Pittsburgh. SSH proudly announce this opportunity to provide financial support to attend this event - For Techs by Techs!
To apply:
Complete the online application
Send your current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and a letter of endorsement from your leadership in one email to Holly Simonton at Please insert "Sim Ops" in the subject line of your email.
Applications are currently being accepted! The deadline for applications is May 31, 2014 @ 5pm Central Daylight Time. Notifications of the award winners will be made by June 10, 2014.
SSH is a multi-disciplinary, multi-specialty, international society with ties to all medical specialties, nursing, allied health, paramedical personnel, simulation technologist, simulation technician and industry. CHSE was developed in concert with the SSH mission to lead in facilitating excellence in multi-specialty healthcare simulation modalities.
For information about The Society for Simulation in Healthcare, go to
Questions: 630.510.4586 or