CKitchen | The Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Entries for 'CKitchen'

It’s no secret that people join associations for networking. True, education and access to resources also are key contributors. But, connect...

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Hello to you all, friends and colleagues. In April, many of us celebrated Interprofessional Healthcare Month, where we acknowledged the National Ac...

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Happy National Patient Safety Awareness Week, my simulationist friends and colleagues. For many of us, patient safety is the reason we are so passi...

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Happy American Heart Month, my simulationist friends and colleagues. First, I just want to say what an honor it is to serve as SSH President this y...

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Hello, First, we hope this message finds you and your family safe during these challenging times. SSH has received more than a few emails and calls...

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Greetings, colleagues! IMSH, IMSH, IMSH!!! IMSH is almost here. I’m so excited at the opportunity to see as many of you in person as I can...

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Hello, Colleagues! We’re into November, and it truly is a season of plenty! Before I dive into important health updates and requirements rega...

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Greetings, Colleagues! IMSH is right around the corner! So excited to see my sim peeps in person in Los Angeles this January! On that note, if y...

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By SSH Staff Through its Fellows program, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) Academy recognizes individuals whose sustained contributio...

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Hello, Colleagues! Are you ready for Healthcare Simulation Week? It begins Monday! This week has grown so much over the past several years and r...

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