posted on August 04, 2014 16:37
The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) Accreditation Committee announces the accreditation of six simulation centers. Achieving SSH Accreditation is a rigorous process signaling a simulation center’s commitment to continually improving services, encouraging feedback and serving the community. Accredited sim centers prepare for months and work hard to pass their evaluations. SSH accreditation is granted for a five-year period.
Programs receiving SSH accreditation demonstrate compliance with Core Standards and fulfillment of standards applied to one or more of four areas of simulation/simulator use: Assessment, Research, Teaching/Education and/or systems integration
“SSH accreditation distinguishes those simulation centers and their value within the healthcare system,” said Andrew Spain, MA, NCEE, EMT-P, Director of Accreditation and Certification for SSH. “This is a truly global program with accredited centers located in locations outside of the United States including Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong and Dominica. “
December 15th, 2013 Accreditation Applicants who were granted Accreditation
Patient Safety and Clinical Competency Center
Albany Medical College
Granted Accreditation In: Teaching/Education
Simulation-Based Education and Research: Patient Safety Training Center
Granted Accreditation In: Research, Teaching, Systems Integration
Translational Health Science Simulation Center
University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygeine
Granted Accreditation In: Teaching/Education
Multidisciplinary Simulation and Skills Centre
Hospital Authority Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Granted Accreditation In: Teaching/Education
SiTEL of MedStar Health
MedStar Health
Granted Accreditation In: Teaching/Education and Systems Integration
Simulation Training and Education for Patient Safety (STEPS)
West Virginia University
Teaching/Education and Assessment
Established in 2004 by professionals using simulation for education, testing, and research in healthcare, SSH membership is comprised of all medical disciplines, researchers, educators and developers from around the globe. SSH fosters the improvement and application of simulation-based modalities such as human patient simulators, virtual reality, standardized patients and task trainers. For more information, go to
Media and other inquiries may be directed to:
Andrew Spain, MA, NCEE, CCP-C
Director of Accreditation & Certification
Holly Simonton, MA
Communications Manager