posted on September 11, 2014 12:11
September 11, 2014: The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) announces a major milestone for the Certified Healthcare Simulation Educators (CHSE) program. Since its launch in 2012, over 400 individuals from 12 countries have successfully completed the application and examination requirements. “I would like to offer my personal congratulations to these stellar individuals,” said Sharon Decker, Certification Committee Chair. “Only committed healthcare simulation professionals earn this professional recognition of specialized knowledge, skills, abilities, and accomplishments in healthcare simulation. Joining the growing group of CHSEs brings a competitive edge to the individual’s institution, its program offerings, and grant funding.”
CHSE is a collaboratively developed certification program administered by The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) to healthcare simulation educators who demonstrate professional and educational competence in their field. The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) and The International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) support the CHSE program.
SSH is a multi-disciplinary, multi-specialty, international society with ties to all healthcare specialties, nursing, allied health, paramedical personnel, and industry. CHSE was developed in concert with the SSH mission to lead in facilitating excellence in multi-specialty healthcare education. The CHSE program has been developed over a number of years with the input of individuals representing a wide variety of backgrounds and experience in healthcare simulation. Visit to learn more.
Media and other inquiries may be directed to:
Andrew Spain, MA, NCEE, CCP-C
Director of Accreditation & Certification
Holly Simonton, MA
Communications Manager
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