Society for Simulation in Healthcare

SSH News

The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) announces that, after nearly 11 years of service as founding and current Editor in Chief of the SSH peer-reviewed indexed journal Simulation in Healthcare, Dr. David Gaba has decided to step down as EIC no later than July 1, 2016 (one year from now). Dr. Gaba will remain on the Editorial Board. An open search for the new EIC will begin within the next one to two months, with a call for nominations (self or otherwise).   An EIC Search Task Force will be created to evaluate nominees and to advise the SSH Board of Directors as to a final selection.

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The Society for Simulation in Healthcare Board of Directors is pleased to inform the membership that as a result of your participation, the proposed 2015 Bylaws have been approved.

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Dear Members,

This message is to provide you with an update on the Bylaws review process and voting schedule. I know many of you are excited to move forward with greater clarity and I share your enthusiasm. However, I believe the review process has provided the opportunity for bettering the documentation, as well as for members to add their voices to the discussion directly. Thank you to the members who contributed to the discussion 

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