Nominations 2022



The Society for Simulation in Healthcare asks each year for nominees to its Board of Directors. The Board functions as the strategic planning group for the Society and is accountable to the members for its policies, its stewardship of resources, and its public image.  If you have knowledge, skills and abilities in these and other areas, the Society encourages you to submit an application as outlined below. 

The positions for which the SSH membership will be electing new leadership are: 

  • President-elect (Officer Position)
  • Secretary (Officer Position)
  • At-Large Director

Position Descriptions from the SSH Bylaws can be found HERE


If you are interested in being considered for any position, submit the following in ONE EMAIL to with the subject: SSH Nomination to the Board of Directors.

  1. Abbreviated CV / Biosketch (3 pages or less) - Any format accepted, NIH format not required.
    1. An abbreviated CV is requested in order to focus the Nominations Committee on the items relevant to the application.
  2. Completed Nominations Application Form.
    1. Downloadable HERE
  3. Current photo (.jpeg) of you to be used for the election process on the SSH website if you are selected for the slate 
  4. Completed Leadership Disclosure of Interest Form
    1. Downloadable HERE

If you are interested in nominating a fellow SSH member for one of the open positions, please send an e-mail to with the name of the individual, the position you are nominating them for, and the subject: SSH Nomination to the Board of Directors. The SSH staff will then contact that member to acquire the required documents listed above.

You will receive a confirmation within 3 business days. If you do not receive confirmation please send a follow-up e-mail to Andrea Burtnick -

Deadline for submissions: Monday, June 29, 2020 at 17:00 Eastern Daylight Time


-After the deadline, the Nominations Committee will evaluate each candidate using the form.

-The Executive Committee will ratify the slate put forward by the Nominations Committee.

-The Governance Committee will review the Disclosure of interest forms for each potential candidate. If a potential conflict is found, a COI management plan will be created. If a conflict is deemed unmanageable, the individual will not be slated for a seat on the Board of Directors.

-Nominees with be notified of the final slate by July 31.

-Elections will open by August 1 and close after 30 days.


The 2020 Nominations Committee includes:

Chad Epps – Non-voting Co-Chair & Chair of the Governance Committee

KT Waxman – Non-voting Co-Chair & Immediate Past President

Amar Patel – Internal Relations Committee Chair

Sharon Muret-Wagstaff – Research Committee Chair

Mary Anne Rizzolo – Credentialing Commission Vice Chair

Cynthia Shum - Media and Communications Chair

Melissa Lowther – At Large Member

Sharon Decker – At Large Member

Aaron Calhoun – At Large Member