Advertising Opportunities
SSH does not share or sell the names or email addresses of its members. However, you can reach SSH members via in a number of other ways.   
Advertise in Simulation in Healthcare

Please contact Advertising Sales at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins for rates and availability or see the Advertising Center for further information.
Kelle Gray, Account Manager – 843.261.4221. Email:

Weekly Newsbrief:
The Simulation Spotlight is sent weekly to all SSH Members. For advertising opportunities, contact our publishing partner Multiview, Colby Horton,

Website Ads:
To learn more about these limited opportunities, contact our publishing partner Multiview at 972.402.7023  Advertising Options (pdf)

Career Opportunities:
Visit the SSH Career Center to post or search for healthcare simulation employment opportunities.

Events or Conferences:
For advertising and sponsorship opportunities at future SSH events, contact Judy Larson.
Post your events or conferences on the SSH Web Calendar.