Workshop Cost: $120 USD
SSH Membership not required.
Changes to the Agenda:
SSH reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to make changes to the Best Practices Workshop. Every effort will be made to keep presentations and speakers as represented. However, unforeseen circumstances may result in the substitution of presentation topic(s) speaker(s), or event(s). In the event that the course has to be cancelled or changed, SSH is not liable to Registrants for any damages, losses, costs, or other liability, including but not limited to transportation, visa application, or accommodation costs. SSH is not liable to attendees for any costs, fees, expenses, damages, or other liability relating to changes to the course, including but not limited to date, content, speakers or venue.
No relevant financial relationships disclosed by planners or presenters of this IPCE educational activity.
Krista Anderson, DNP, RN, CHSE-A
Director of Simulation
St.Catherine University
The Institute of Simulation and Interprofessional Learning
St. Paul, Minnesota USA
Professor and Director of Healthcare Simulation
University of Central Florida College of Nursing
Orlando, Florida USA
Melody Bethards, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE, CHSE-A
Simulation Coordinator
Des Moines Area Community College Simulation Center
Des Moines, Iowa USA
Robert Catena MN, RN, CHSE, CCSNE
Associate Professor
BN Curriculum Coordinator
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Mount Royal University
Calgary, AB, Canada
Beth Culross, PhD, RN, GCNS-BC, CHSE
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Director Learning Resource Center
Courtesy Affiliate Faculty, Medical Humanities, University of Nebraska Omaha
Adjunct Faculty, Gerontology, University of Nebraska Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska USA
Sharon Decker, PhD, RN, FSSH, ANEF, FAAN
Professor Emeritus
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
School of Nursing Glover E. Murry, TTUHSC
Lubbock, Texas USA
Elizabeth Horsley, RN, MSMS, CHSE, CCSNE
Ontario, Canada
Brandon Kyle Johnson, PhD, RN, CHSE, ANEF
Executive Director
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Lubbock, Texas USA
Karen Lewis, PhD, MAEd, CHSE
Administrative Director
Director, SP Program & Clinical Skills
Associate Professor of Medical Education
University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine
Tyler, Texas USA
Robert MacAulay, MMHPE, CHSE
Director, Simulation Education
UC San Diego School of Medicine
La Jolla, CA, USA
Cathy Smith, PhD, MA
Simulation Educator
Baycrest Health Sciences
Training and Education
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
Shannon Ashe, EdD, LAT, ATC, CHSE, CSCS
Simulation Educator and Coordinator
College of Health Sciences Experiential
Learning and Simulation Center
Assistant Professor
Moffett and Sanders School of Nursing
Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama USA