CHSE-A Portfolio


 Structured Portfolio Development 

Once the applicant has met the eligibility criteria, and the decision is made to apply to become a CHSE-A®, there are many things to complete.  The application calls for a structured portfolio to be submitted.  The applicant should take the following steps to prepare a structured portfolio for submission:

  1. Download the CHSE-A® Handbook on the eligibility page if this has not been done
  2. Download the Standards and Suggested Evidence document
  3. Download the Application Information document
  4. Download the Application worksheet document

Each of these three documents will be important in different ways.  Review each one of the documents to gain an understanding of what is required to create your structured portfolio.  The application worksheet will become your primary document in actually created your structured portfolio.

 Standards and Elements Suggested Evidence

The CHSE-A® certification requires the applicant to demonstrate performance of the Standards and Elements at the advanced level.  Download the Standards and Suggested Evidence (pdf) document to review what is expected for each of the Standards.  The applicant should understand that the evidence listed is suggested and NOT mandatory.  Applicants are evaluated for collective evidence of advanced performance, not whether each box can be ticked off as completed and meeting that level of performance.

 Application Information 

This document provides more detailed information on each of the items that are a part of the structured portfolio.  The applicant will find that this document will support collecting evidence and structuring the responses to the narrative and other pieces that are required for the structured portfolio.

 Application Worksheet 

This document (in word format) is specifically designed to guide the applicant through the development of the structured portfolio.  It has instructions for each item, and allows the applicant to create many of their responses that are part of the structured portfolio.  These responses can then simply be copied into the online application.   

Questions? Contact the Certification Director