The Society for Simulation in Healthcare > Credentialing > Accreditation > Mid-Cycle Accreditation



SSH_AccreditationLogoNormal   Mid-Cycle Additional Area of Accreditation

Does Your Simulation Program Meet the Standards? Let the World Know!


SSH's Council for Accreditation of Healthcare Simulation Programs is now accepting applications from currently SSH Accredited Programs that would like to become accredited in additional areas.  The due date for Mid-Cycle applications is July 15, at the time the annual report is submitted.  This is only available for programs that are already SSH Accredited.  Review the accreditation standards to get started.

Is applying for additional areas of Accreditation right for my program?

As part of your review, you should ask whether it is better to either wait for the normal Full Re-accreditation process at the end of the five-year cycle, or re-apply early for Re-accreditation and include the additional areas as part of that application.  Please contact us if you have any questions--we want to work with you to ensure that you are taking the right steps for your program.

To apply for SSH Mid-Cycle Additional Areas of Accreditation:

  • Review the SSH Accreditation Informational Guide
  • Review the SSH Accreditation Standards (2021) to determine the areas in which your program meets the criteria.
  • Explore the Companion Documents (above) for each area. These will help you know what is desired for each standard.
  • Before you apply, begin collecting responses for each of the SSH Accreditation Standards for which you plan on applying. When you have the information gathered, you will need to apply through our online portal.
  • ** All FEES associated with SSH Accreditation will be invoiced to your Program following submission and approval of the application. 

Accreditation Standards




Teaching/ Education

Systems Integration


Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)

Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)

Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)

Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)

Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)

Standard (.pdf)

Companion Document (.pdf)


FOR SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS:  Contact Kristyn Gadlage (Director of Accreditation)