Articles of Influence

Articles of Influence

The SSH Research Committee has developed the Simulation Articles of Influence Project, which seeks to showcase those articles published in the past year that have had a strong impact on practice and research in healthcare simulation.Now in its 5th year, the Articles of Influence Project provides a compilation of highlights from the following simulation journals:

-Advances in Simulation

-BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning

-Clinical Simulation in Nursing

-Simulation in Healthcare

A survey process is used to review the relative impact of the nearly 70 simulation articles published in these four journals between July of the previous year through June of the current year.

Results: 2017-18 Articles of Influence

Results: 2018-19 Articles of Influence

Results: 2019-20 Articles of Influence

Results: 2020-21 Articles of Influence

Results: 2021-22 Articles of Influence

Results: 2022-23 Articles of Influence

SSH Articles of Influence Project Leads

Michelle Kelly, PhD, MN, BSc, RN

Gabe Reedy, PhD, CPsychol

Cathy Smith, PhD

Serkan Toy, PhD, MEd