2021 SimSeries Webinars

Want IPCE Units?

A week after the session is complete, these webinars will be available for purchase in the Live Learning Center ($25 for members and $50 for non-members). Once purchased, you will see an evaluation for the course. Upon completion of the evaluation, you will receive your Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) units.

These webinars are free to attend.

Webinar Confirmation – Zoom Registration Link After you register, the zoom information will be emailed to you from “SSH Office of Continuing Education, education@ssih.org.”   

Please check your spam/junk folder if you do not get the email within 15 minutes of registration.

If the email is in your spam/junk folder, please add education@ssih.org to your email contacts list. You should get future confirmation emails.

If the email is not in your spam/junk folder, please email education@ssih.org for the zoom registration link.


2021 Courses

Date Course Time Registration
December 13, 2021

Enhance Your Resume and CV: A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part II - Presented by the SOTS Section

BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS: This session will focus on workshopping your Resumes/CV/Cover Letters so please have your documents ready. 


A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is more than a formality of professional work. These important documents provide a quick snapshot into the professional accomplishments in your life. During this two-part workshop, we will review the structure of each professional document and provide tangible solutions to help you obtain your professional goals. In the second part of the workshop, we will assist learners in enhance their resume or CV to reach their current professional goals.


  1. Review structure and verbiage used in professional resumes and CVs by the end of the first workshop
  2. Discuss strategies to customize professional documents to obtain professional goals by the end of the first workshop
  3. Enhance a simulation specific resume or CV by the end of the second workshop


  • Sean Cavanaugh, CHSOS
  • Amy Follmer, CHSOS-A
  • Melissa Lowther, CHSOS
  • Kati Maxkenzie, CHSOS
  • Jarrod Young, CHSOS-A

Recording Available

December 6, 2021

3D Printing and its Impact in Medical Simulation – Presented by the Anesthesia Section


The use of 3 D printing had in recent years been one of the most innovative additions in medicine and medical simulation. Our webinar will address, what is 3 D printing technology and how its use in medicine changed the lives of children and adults with disabilities. We will also discuss how this technology has been and will be used in the future of medical simulation to improve patient safety in anesthesiology and other medical specialties.


  1. Review 3D printing technology
  2. Review the latest clinical applications of 3D printing technology
  3. Discuss the role of 3D printing in anesthesiology simulation


  • Marco Maurtua, MD, CHSE
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM ET

Recording Available


November 8, 2021

Enhance Your Resume and CV: A Two-part Workshop for the Operations Specialist - Part I - Presented by the SOTS Section


A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is more than a formality of professional work. These important documents provide a quick snapshot into the professional accomplishments in your life. During this two-part workshop, we will review the structure of each professional document and provide tangible solutions to help you obtain your professional goals. In the second part of the workshop, we will assist learners in enhance their resume or CV to reach their current professional goals.


  1. Review structure and verbiage used in professional resumes and CVs by the end of the first workshop
  2. Discuss strategies to customize professional documents to obtain professional goals by the end of the first workshop
  3. Enhance a simulation specific resume or CV by the end of the second workshop


  • Sean Cavanaugh, CHSOS
  • Amy Follmer, CHSOS-A
  • Melissa Lowther, CHSOS
  • Kati Maxkenzie, CHSOS-A
  • Jarrod Young, CHSOS-A
2 PM ET Recording Available
October 25, 2021

Extended Reality - The Evolution of Anesthesia Training


The goal of the presentation is to provide an overview and appraisal of the current simulation modalities used for anesthesia education beyond the traditional task trainers and high-fidelity simulators. Traditional simulation is central to healthcare education and knowledge maintenance. It requires significantly more resources than traditional education. The challenges brought from space restrictions during a resent pandemic, constant need to balance budgets for new equipment purchases and maintenance, as well as availability of personnel to conduct the simulations, have spurred a wave of innovations in simulation-based education.


  1. Discuss the various non-traditional forms of simulation and their use in anesthesia education.
  2. Reveal avenues to pursue when searching for various forms of non-traditional simulation.
  3. Define the difference between screen based, computer based and virtual reality simulation.


Greta Mitzova-Vladinov, DNP, APRN, CRNA, CHSE

Laura Rodgers DNAP, CRNA, CHSE


12PM - 1PM ET

Recording Available


September 27, 2021

COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical Placements


Some clinical sites require students to be vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccination requirement for students varies by institution. Moderators of this webinar will lead an open discussion on how this issue is being addressed. This session is a followup to dicuss changes that has occured since the last session on this topic held in August.


  1. Discuss how institutions are managing clinical placements that require COVID vaccination
  2.  Compare how institutions who are and are not allowed to check vaccination status are handling this clinical requirement
  3. Identify tools to address this issue


  • Carrie Miller, PhD
  • Jeanne Carey, MEd, RN, CHSE-A
  • Elizabeth Wells-Beede, PHD, RN, C-EFM, CHSE
2 PM - 3 PM ET Recording Available
September 13, 2021


SSH SimSeries: Blaze Your Own Trail: How to Develop in Healthcare Operations 

-Presented by the SOTS Section

Course Overview

In this panel, we will discuss the different paths to development that exist and how we can create opportunities to capitalize on the moment. We will capture the unique stories of our panelists and how they leveraged their skills to become successful in the field of simulation operations.


  1. Recognize how your individual skills relate to the field of simulation operations.
  2. Discuss ways to leverage individual skills to breakthrough barriers to advancement.
  3. Identify opportunities to continue your unique journey in simulation operations professional development.


  • Peter Ford, CHSOS-A
  • Syretta Spears, CHSOS-A
  • Kris Hara, CHSOS-A
  • Daniel Robinson
2 PM - 3 PM ET Recording Available
August 30, 2021

COVID Vaccine Requirements in Clinical Placements


Some clinical sites require students to be vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccination requirement for students varies by institution. Moderators of this webinar will lead an open discussion on how this issue is being addressed.


  1. Discuss how institutions are managing clinical placements that require COVID vaccination
  2.  Compare how institutions who are and are not allowed to check vaccination status are handling this clinical requirement
  3. Identify tools to address this issue


  • Carrie Miller, PhD
  • Jeanne Carey, MEd, RN, CHSE-A
  • Elizabeth Wells-Beede, PHD, RN, C-EFM, CHSE
2 PM - 3 PM ET

Recording Available


July 20, 2021

The Value of In-Situ Simulation as a Tool to Ensure Healthcare Worker Preparedness to Treat Patients Infected with Covid-19 - Presented by the Anesthesia Section

Overview: During this SSH Anesthesiology Section Webinar, Dr. Fabio Rodriguez Patarroyo will discuss the value of in situ simulation as a tool to ensure healthcare worker preparedness to treat patients infected with Covid 19. 


  1. How in situ simulation can be used to prepare healthcare workers technically and psychologically to take care of patients infected with Covid 19.
  2. How in situ simulation can identify latent safety threats during patient care.
  3. How in situ simulation allow us to evaluate a coordinated team response. 


  • Presenter: Dr. Fabio Rodriguez Patarroyo
  • Introduction: Dr Marco Maurtua


1PM - 2PM ET Recording Available
June 28, 2021

Virtual Team Huddles for Within-Scenario Debriefing: Purposefully Guiding the Nursing Process – Presented by the Nursing Section


  1. Develop a plan to use technology to support virtual on-campus simulations
  2. Generalize how within-scenario debriefing can enhance the participants’ simulation experience
  3. Modify an existing nursing simulation scenario to include purposeful within-scenario team huddles


  • Velinda J. Chapman, PhD, BSN, RN, CHSE, CNEcl
  • Crystal D. Lamb, MSN, RN


2 PM EST Recording Available
June 14, 2021

Jumpstarting Your Simulation Career: Identifying Tools for Success – Presented by the SOTS Section

So you’re a novice Simulation Operations Specialist… What’s Next? Congratulations, you are now a part of a very new, exciting, and growing profession of Healthcare Simulation Technology. What is next? This course will introduce you to two new simulation specialists, how they advocated for themselves, found resources, mentors and became engaged in the sim ops community. We hope these stories give you some insight on how to figure out the next steps as you navigate through your new career in healthcare simulation.


  1. Identify barriers to growth for Simulation Operations Specialists.
  2. Share personal experiences in self-advocacy and self-guided learning.
  3. Empower participants to construct their own plan for professional development.


  • Lauren O'Niell, Simulation Technology Specialist, Health Sciences Simulation Center
  • Shandra Jamison MA,RRT, Manager -Simulation Center, Carle Illinois College of Medicine

Resources Document

2 PM EST Recording Available
June 7, 2021

Last minute questions??  IMSH submissions due Wednesday, June 9!

What have you been working on over the past year? How did your simulation program respond to Covid-19? Tell these stories, along with the many other important and inspiring topics you have to share with the healthcare simulation community at the 22nd International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2022), scheduled for January 14 – 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. Join us for this informational webinar designed for both first time presenters as well as seasoned contributors. Content submission is now open. There have been a few changes and improvements in the IMSH Content Management System for IMSH 2022, so don’t miss out on this important information. CEU’s are not available for this webinar.


  • Kathy Adams, MA
2 PM EST Recording Available
June 3, 2021

Video Based Demonstration of Anesthesia Care From the Operating Room During COVID19 Pandemic – Presented by the Anesthesiology Section

As a result of the COVID pandemic, clerkship education at our institution was transitioned to virtual curriculum including: pre-recorded video-lectures; case- based learning discussions with faculty via Zoom; Access Anesthesiology; and YouTube videos on airway procedures. None of these resources enabled the students to watch the anesthesiologists’ daily routine. We developed an innovative curriculum that enabled learners to experience real-time patient care in the operating room using a virtual meeting platform.


Sapna Ravindranath, MD

1 PM EST Recording Available
May 24, 2021

Planning Ahead for IMSH 2022: Open Forum for Research Abstracts and SimVentor Showcase Submissions

What have you been working on over the past year? How did your simulation program respond to Covid-19? Tell these stories, along with the many other important and inspiring topics you have to share with the healthcare simulation community at the 22nd International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2022), scheduled for January 14 – 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. Join us for this informational webinar designed for both first time presenters as well as seasoned contributors. The Call for Content is now open! If you’ve got questions about the Research Abstract or SimVentors submission process this is your time to speak with members of the planning team. There have been a few changes and improvements in the IMSH Content Management System for IMSH 2022, so don’t miss out on this important information. CEU’s are not available for this webinar.


1. Identify requirements for complete submissions

2. Identify topics of needs for education and training in the Research & SimVentor community

3. Discuss the review process used to assess and score Research Abstracts & SimVentor Showcase submissions



  • Kathy Adams, MA, SSH Office of Continuing Education Director
  • Mark Adler, MD, Research Content Team
  • Aaron Calhoun, MD, Research Content Team
  • Kyle Johnson, PhD, Research Content Team
  • Guy Gilbert, MS, SimVentors Content Team Lead


2 PM EST Recording Available
May 17, 2021

Looking Ahead: Submit a Course Proposal to IMSH 2022!

What have you been working on over the past year? How did your simulation program respond to Covid-19? Tell these stories, along with the many other important and inspiring topics you have to share with the healthcare simulation community at the 22nd International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2022), scheduled for January 14 – 19, 2022 in Los Angeles, California. Join us for this informational webinar designed for both first time presenters as well as seasoned contributors. Content submission is now open. There have been a few changes and improvements in the IMSH Content Management System for IMSH 2022, so don’t miss out on this important information. CEU’s are not available for this webinar.


Trenell Croskey, BS
Kathy Adams, MA

2 PM EST Recording Available
May 12, 2021

Psychological and Educational Effect of Simulated Patient Death on Learners – Presented by the Anesthesiology Section


  1. Review current literature on psychological effect of simulated patient death on learners
  2. Determine if the goals and objectives of the medical simulation scenario require the manikin’s demise
  3. Review the literature about documented advantages or disadvantages related to the manikin’s poor outcome after a simulated scenario

Presenter: Jahnavi Trivedi, MD

Cleveland Clinic. Anestahesiology Institute

1 PM EST Recording Available
May 10, 2021

Preparing Successful Presentations: A Guide for Operations Specialists – Presented by the SOTS Section


Do you have an idea for a presentation, but feel intimidated by the submission process? Designing and submitting a course for the International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (or any SSH sponsored conference) can be a daunting task. This course will focus on streamlining and de-mystifying the course submission process for IMSH. Faculty will discuss how to construct meaningful learning objectives, as well as identify important, high yield topics for presentations. Faculty will also provide a “behind the scenes look” at the review process, and discuss your ideas for proposal topics.
  • Learning Obj #1 Describe the best practices used to create learning objectives to form the foundation of a course proposal.
  • Learning Obj #2 Identify course topics to meet the Simulation Operations community’s needs for education and training.
  • Learning Obj #3 Discuss the review process used to assess and score course proposal submissions.

Presenters: Melissa Lowther, CHSOS, SOTS Chair
Sean Cavanaugh, CHSOS



2 PM EST Recording Available
April 26, 2021

Characteristics of Distance Healthcare Simulation (During COVID19): Results of an International Survey

Presenters: Janice Palaganas, Juli Maxworthy, Julia Caton, Yoon Soo Park, Clement Buleon, Michael Buyck, Susan Eller, Gabe Reedy, Suzie Kardong-Edgren, Barbara Walsh, Isabel Gross

Course Objectives:

1. Analyze data from the 2021 Distance Simulation Survey

2. Discuss the current landscape of distance simulation: who is using it, what the drivers are for its use, what purposes it is being used for, what modalities and approaches are being used, and what is needed for supporting distance simulation in the future

3. Build on future directions for research and practice of distance simulation

Course Description:

During pandemic periods, the education of health professions must continue. Healthcare providers need to develop competencies associated with COVID-19 management while continuing to safely care for patients with chronic conditions or acute needs unrelated to the pandemic.

While social distancing requirements demand it, online distance healthcare simulation can be an ideal learning platform. Indeed, simulation educators worldwide have quickly transitioned in-person health professions education to an online environment.

As part of a larger project exploring issues around distance simulation, a large-scale global survey was developed to collect data from simulation programs worldwide to capture what types of online/remote simulations and methods are being used.

The survey provides a snapshot of the current landscape of distance simulation: who is using it, what the drivers are for its use, what purposes it is being used for, what modalities and approaches are being used, and what is needed for supporting distance simulation in the future.

The genesis, design, and results of the survey will be presented, along with implications of the results for future research and practice.

PowerPoint Slides

2 PM EST Recording Available
April 19, 2021

SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19: Panel on XR Simulation: The Current State and Vision for the Future


1. Discuss key technology and product trends in the simulation market

2. Explore the visions of leaders in the field on the future of training for patient care

3. Examine success stories and impact of XR technologies in healthcare simulation


Jason McDowall

Angel Investor, The AR Show Podcast and VP of Visual Experience @ Ostendo


Martina Welkhoff

Managing Partner WXR Fund


Angela Robert

Founder & CEO of Conquer Experience, Section Chair - Serious Games and Virtual Environments

2 PM EST Recording Available
April 12, 2021


SOTS Open Forum: Making a Contribution to the Research Team as a Novice Simulation Operations Specialist



The simulation operations specialist (SOS) should be an integral part of a research planning team. The specialized knowledge of the SOS can save time, money, and prevent major errors in simulation research design planning and implementation. Though it helps to understand some research terminology, even a novice can make a significant contribution to a research plan through careful listening to gain an understanding of what will happen during a research scenario. This presentation is designed for the SOS new to the research process. Those attendees more experienced with research will be invited to share their experiences with the group.


Course Objectives:

1. Describe how the SOS can make a significant contribution to research design, without knowing a lot about research.

2. Review key terms that might be of help when attending research team meetings.

3. Crowdsource best practices and lessons learned by other SOS attendees while working in research.


Presenters: Suzan Kardong-Edgren, PhD, RN, ANEF, CHSE, FAAN


2 PM EST Recording Availabe
April 5, 2021

SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19: Distanced Training in Procedural Skills during COVID-19

Learning Objectives:

  1. Explain the need and constraints in continuing procedural skills training while adhering to COVID-19 social distancing requirements
  2. Learn how to set up and take part in procedural skills training (as trainee and as instructor) via cloud-based video communications apps like Zoom
  3. Envision how pervasive, cloud-based, distanced procedural training can remain relevant and streamline logistics of procedural training post-COVID


Samsun (Sem) Lampotang, PhD, FSSH, FAIMBE

2 PM EST Recording Available

2020 Courses

Date Course Time Registration
November 30, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
Jumpstart your VR program

Presenters: SGVE Section


  1. Describe currently available products and platforms that can be used for VR simulation
  2. Discuss potential applications to their current simulation education programs
  3. List potential shortcomings of the use of VR simulation in medical training and offer in small group breakout sessions countermeasures to improve the use of VR simulation going forward
2 PM EST Recording Available
November 23, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19
What’s Surface Tension Got to Do With it?

Presenter: Cheryl Miller, RN BC MSN EdD(c)


  1. Explore burn out and resiliency in healthcare professionals and simulationists
  2. Examine the role of selective attention
  3. Discuss the use of the accelerated recovery system
  4. Create a recovery plan

PowerPoint Slide

2 PM EST Recording Available
November 9, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Canceled
November 2, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19: Virtual Healthcare Experience: A Way to Augment Clinical Practice


  • Navigate the Virtual Healthcare Experience (see https://de.ryerson.ca/games/nursing/hospital/)
  • contrast elements used in virtual gaming simulation to enhance learning
  • Illustrate different ways virtual gaming simulation in used in healthcare education
  • Discuss the effect of the Virtual Healthcare Experience on curricular outcomes


Margaret Verkuyl NP PHC MN

Centennial College

Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! PowerPoint

2 PM EST Recording Available
October 26, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST CANCELED
October 12, 2020 SSH Simseries: monday open forum: simulation programs respond to covid-19 password for recording: sshsimseries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
October 9, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Register Now
September 28, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Featured Topic: How we used Zoom for Standardized Patient Assessment Events and Distance Education with High-fidelity Manikins Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
September 21, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Recording Available
September 14, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Featured Topic: SOTS Open Forum and Deconstructing "d"- OSCE Implementation during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
August 31, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Featured Topic: Re-think, Reuse, & Re-purpose: Turn Supplies into Simulation Props & Equipment 2 PM EST Recording Available
August 10, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19- SOTS Open Forum 2 PM EST Register Now
August 3, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 - Teach Clinical Deterioration Response: Transitioning to a Virtual Format Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
July 20, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Recording Available
July 13, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
July 6, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Canceled
June 29, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Canceled
June 25, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table 1 PM EST Recording Coming
June 22, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Canceled
June 15, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 Teaching Skills to Medical Students on the Internet: Lessons Learned from YouTube, Sesame Street and the Learners themselves Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
June 11, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
June 11, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19 : Skills Training Retooled: Guidelines for Training Learners at Home Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
June 8, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 2 PM EST Recording Available
June 3, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19: Safely Moving a Simulation Center during Covid-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 12 PM EST Recording Coming
June 1, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
June 1, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SimOps: Video Production Basics for Simulation: COVID-19 and Beyond 1 PM EST  
May 28, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table 1 PM EST Recording Available
May 28, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19: The Use of Simulation to Develop and Test an Open Source Ventilator Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 3 PM EST Recording Available
May 27, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Sim Programs Respond to Covid-19: Keep Moving Your Scholarship Forward - An SSH Research Guide Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 27, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Looking Ahead: Submit a Course Proposal to IMSH 2021! Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 3 PM EST Recording Available
May 21, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
May 21, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Rapid Prototyping Procedures and Practice with Simulation: Lessons Learned Preparing for COVID 19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 4 PM EST Recording Available
May 20, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Looking Ahead: Submit a SimVentors Entry to IMSH 2021! Password for Recording: IMSH2021! 10 AM EST Recording Available
May 20, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Looking Ahead: Submit a Technical Proceedings Manuscript to IMSH 2021!Password for Recording: IMSH2021! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 19, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Looking Ahead: Submit a Course Proposal to IMSH 2021! Password for Recording: IMSH2021! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 18, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to Covid-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 12 PM EST Recording Available
May 14, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
May 14, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: In-Situ COVID-19 Simulation: Operational considerations, Just-in-time Videos, and Code Blue Training Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 12 PM EST Recording Available
May 13, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Clinical Debriefing in the Age of COVID-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 12, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Opening Up and Returning Safely, A Three-step Approach Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 11, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 7, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Simulation Vignettes: Enhancing Critical Thinking in a Virtual Environment Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 7, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
May 5, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 : The Unlikely Story of Two Teams Merging while Onboarding a New Executive Director on Friday the 13th in a Pandemic! M Simulation at the University of Minnesota Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
May 5, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Considerations for Evaluation in Simulation-based Learning Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 30, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
April 30, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Remote/Distance/Virtual Simulation: Keeping your EMS Education Program Going 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 30, 2020 SSH SimSeries Webinar: COVID-19: Cleaning and Disinfecting in Simulation Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Document 3 PM EST Recording Available
April 27, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Remote Sims: Share your Successes and Challenges thus Far! Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 27, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: The Use of Simulation to Prepare and Improve Responses to Infectious Disease Outbreaks like COVID-19: Practical Tips and Resources from Norway, Denmark, and the UK Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 12 PM EST Recording Available
April 23, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: More Ideas and Resources for PPE Provider Training Slides 4 PM EST Recording Available
April 23, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SOTS COVID-19 Round Table Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 1 PM EST Recording Available
April 21, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Transition and Management of Sim Center Staff to Work From Home and/or Limited Onsite Support Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 21, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Applications of Briefing and Debriefing to Workflow Adaptation and Psychological Support for COVID-19 Management Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 20, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Monday Open Forum: Considerations for Converting Simulation Space to Clinical Space Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 16, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Creating, Managing and Cultivating Your Simulation Team in Virtual Space Password for Recording:SSHSimSeries20! Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 16, 2020 SSH SimSeries: Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 Password for Recording:SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 15, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: How Modeling Can Help Fight COVID-19 Slides Password for Recording:SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 14, 2020 SSH SimSeries: COVID-19: Tools and Strategies for Moving Live Delivery Formats to Remote Learning Slides Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 13, 2020 SSH SimSeries Monday Open Forum: Simulation Programs Respond to COVID-19 PDF Slides Password for Recording: SSHSimSeries20! Visit www.nychealthandhospitals.org 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 7, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Utilizing Zoom for Remote Simulation EducationPDF Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 6, 2020 SSH SimSeries: SSH Open Forum Discussion: Simulation Centers Respond to COVID-19 2 PM EST Recording Available
April 2, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Helping to Keep our Providers Safe: How Simulation is Working on Strategies for Training and Providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2 PM EST Recording Available
March 30, 2020 SSH SimSeries COVID-19: Use Simulation to Replace Much Needed, Lost Clinical Experiences due to COVID19 PDF Slides 2 PM EST Recording Available
March 30, 2020 SSH Open Forum Discussion: Simulation Centers Respond to COVID-19 2 PM EST Recording Available


Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, the society for simulation in healthcare is jointly accredited by the accreditation council for continuing medical education (accme), the accreditation council for pharmacy education (acpe), and the american nurses credentialing center (ancc), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive a maximum of 1.0 interprofessional continuing education (ipce) credits for learning and change.

Obtaining credit for attendance

Make sure to complete the webinar evaluation to receive your credit certification.

Interested in presenting a webinar?

If you are interested in submitting content for a SSH SimSeries webinar, please send the following information to Christina Tenorio ctenorio@ssih.org

  • Title
  • Course Description
  • Course Objectives (3)
  • Presenter List
  • Requested Date and Time (We typically hold webinars Mondays 2PM – 3PM ET.)


  • Ask the Expert
  • Administrator
  • Educator
  • Innovator
  • Researcher
  • Operations Specialist

Detailed information on each track can be found here.

Additional Information:

  • All webinars are free to anyone with an SSH account.
    • It is free to create an SSH account.
  • Use the registration link on this webpage to register for a webinar.
  • Once you complete your registration for a webinar, you will receive an email from education@ssih.org with the zoom registration information.
    • Some institutions flag this email as junk. Please check your junk folder for the link if you do not receive an email from education@ssih.org within two hours from registering.

IPCE Information

  • If you want to obtain Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) CEUs for attending a webinar, purchase the webinar in the Live Learning Center.
  • Webinars in the Live Learning Center are $25 for SSH Members and $50 for non-SSH members.
  • Webinars are available for viewing in the Live Learning Center one week after the live session.


Contact the SSH Office of Continuing Education at education@ssih.org

SSH SimSeries Webinars Planning Team

Garrett W Burnett, M.D.
Denise Foy, RN-BC, MSN, CHSE
Daniel Katz, MD
Kati Maxkenzie, MSHS, CHSOS, CHSE
Karen Mangold, MD MEd
LeeAnn Miller, EdD, SimSeries Webinar Planning Team Chair
Jarrod Young, MBA, CHSOS-A


No relevant financial relationships disclosed by planners or presenters of this Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) educational activity.

Previous Webinars

2020 SSH SimSeries Webinars

2021 SSH SimSeries Webinars