Social Networking Between Researchers

Social Networking Between Researchers

A number of social media sites exist that have areas specifically addressing researchers  In addition, we have included the website of the INSPIRE group, an international pediatric simulation research collaborative, and the ISDR, a simulation-based data registry..   

·      LinkedIn group of Society for Simulation in Healthcare (

·      ResearchGATE ( is a free social networking site aimed at scientific researchers from all disciplines of Science. It provides free access to powerful web applications including semantic searching (whole abstract searching), secure time-incremented file-sharing, publication database sharing (e.g. endnote libraries), forums, methodology discussions, groups etc.

·      ORCID (

·      Google Scholar (

·      ResearcherID ( is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. With a unique identifier assigned to each author in ResearcherID, you can eliminate author misidentification and view an author’s citation metrics instantly. Search the registry to find collaborators, review publication lists and explore how research is used around the world.

·      SERMO (  Online community where physicians around the nation exchange the latest medical insights with each other and improve patient outcomes.

·      INSPIRE ( International Network for Simulation-based Pediatric Innovation, Research and Education.  Engagement with this group may prove useful for those with research questions relevant to children’s health.

·      ISDR  ( The International Simulation Data Registry collects and benchmarks simulation-based data from a variety of scenarios, with a current focus on pulseless arrest.  Those interested in further information can contact registry leaders at and