Certification Recognition
We are proud of those who have achieved the CHSOS-A designation. This is a tremendous accomplishment and there are many ways to be recognized for being a CHSOS-A ,
- SSH will mail you a CHSOS-A certificate when you become certified, and when you are recertified as a CHSOS-A. (US Postal Service)
- SSH has created a lapel pin for you to wear, this is available to be picked up at SSH Central if you are attending IMSH, at SimOps, or at other events where SSH has a booth (e.g. conferences).
- SSH has worked with our partner to create beautiful framing options that you can purchase to display your certificate. Click here to go the SSH Store webpage.
- SSH has also worked with our partner to create options for you to have CHSOS-A logo'ed merchandise for you to purchase as desired. Click here to go to the SSH Store webpage.
- Those who become certified or who recertify in the calendar year (January 1 to December 31) are granted complimentary entry to the President’s Diamond Ball at IMSH.
- Should you desire a letter to your supervisor, please contact us with the request (sample letter and instructions are posted in the SImConnect group).
- Your name shall also appear on our webpage listings of certified individuals while you are currently certified.
Use of CHSOS-A Credential
Those who are awarded the CHSOS-A certification are encouraged to use the credential during the time they are currently certified. The use of the credential is detailed in the CHSOS-A Handbook. Certificants can use the CHSOS-A and Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist-Advanced designations, as well as the logo which is available in SimConnect.
Certificant Verification
The status of a certificant can be requested as appropriate. If a formal verification is required that an individual holds the CHSOS-A certification, please contact us with the request. please include the certificant's legal name and reason for requesting verification.
Those who hold a current CHSOS-A designation will have access to the Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist-Advanced group in SimConnect. This resource connects and supports communication between all those who are currently a CHSOS-A. It is also used to keep certificants up to date on important information related to the CHSOS-A certification.
Maintenance of Record Accuracy
All certificants should keep their SSH and Candidate Management System records up to date. It is especially important to ensure that the email and address is accurate. Certificants can log in to their SSH profile and make updates (do NOT create a new profile), then click over to the Candidate Management System to send the updates to that system.
Question? Contact the Certification Coordinator