CHSOS Prepare

 Recommended Resources

Everyone who is applying to become a CHSE® should download the CHSOS® Examination Blueprint (pdf).  All questions on the examination must map back to the examination blueprint.

All candidates should download these resources to help them prepare for the CHSOS® exam.

 Official SSH Blueprint Review Courses

The SSH Education Committee has prepared CHSOS® Examination Blueprint Review courses.  There are in-person and online versions of this course.  For more information on these courses, please click here.

 Practice Examination

SSH offers an optional practice exam.  The questions and answers were written by the same individuals who have written the questions on the actual exams.  In addition, rationales have been provided for these 50-question practice exams that help the individual understand how the questions are written.  The practice exam is not intended to be an indicator of successful passing of the exam.  It is delivered on the same web-based platform as the actual exam and can be completed from any computer.  It will help the candidate understand the style of questions and the platform used for the exam.  There is a $75 (USD) charge to take the practice exam, and it remains available to you for 30 days after you sign up to take it.

To purchase a practice examination, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the SSH website (if you have not already done so; you can create a profile if needed, SSH membership is not required)
  2. CLICK HERE to access the certification candidate management system
  3. Click the "Exam Activity" tab
  4. In the drop-down menu for selecting an exam, choose the appropriate practice examination
  5. Click the "Register for the Selected Exam" button
  6. Complete the remaining steps (e.g. verification of information, making payment)

  Additional Useful Resources

There are many other resources and references that a candidate can consider using or accessing:

  • The SSH Live Learning Center (free for SSH members)
  • Defining Excellence in Simulation Education Programs (published by SSH)
  • Simulation in Healthcare (official journal of SSH)
  • INACSL Standards
  • ASPE Standards

There are many other courses and resources that individuals and/or organizations provide.  Many of these might prove very useful to those seeking to become certified.  Each should be evaluated independently by the candidate for cost, value, and content. 

The Society for Simulation in Healthcare does not state or imply that the review methods, techniques, examination review courses, and/or preparatory materials are the best or only means for preparing adequately for the certification examination.  Completing any or all of the suggestions, courses, resources, and other items listed here does not guarantee that any candidate will pass the certification exam.

Questions? Email the Certification Coordinator