CHSOS® Description
The Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist® (CHSOS®) certification has been developed as a service to the healthcare simulation community. The CHSOS® certification is intended for individuals who perform healthcare simulation in the operations specialist role without restriction to:
- simulation modality
- setting (locations where simulation takes place)
- geographic location
- learner population
- function (e.g. IT, A/V, moulage)
- profession
The SSH Dictionary defines an Operations Specialist as follows:
- An individual whose primary role is the implementation and delivery of a simulation activity through the application of simulation technologies such as, computers, audio-visual, or networking technologies.
- An inclusive “umbrella” term that embodies many different roles within healthcare simulation operations, including simulation technician, simulation technology specialist, simulation specialist, simulation coordinator, and simulation AV specialist. While many of these individuals also design simulation activities, this term refers to the functional role related to the implementation of the simulation activities.
The SSH Certification Council is pleased to announce the launch of new CHSE and CHSOS exams to match the blueprints that resulted from the recent international practice analysis. The new exams will launch January 20, 2024. All other relevant components of the certification process such as the domains for submitting Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities will also convert on this date. As we prepare for these conversions, testing will be unavailable from Dec. 1, 2023, until January 20, 2024. If these black-out dates effect your testing deadline, please email director@simcertification.com to request an extension.
IMPORTANT: With the launch of the new blueprint, examination results will NOT be available on completion of your exam from January 20, 2024, and April 1, 2024. Results for exams taken during this period will be sent April 1, 2024.
Certification Process
Having the SSH CHSOS certification was a valuable to me because it proved to myself
and others that I am qualified to discuss, teach, and inform others what are best practices in Simulation based learning.
- Determine CHSOS® Eligibility
- Submit CHSOS® Application
- Prepare for CHSOS® Examination
- Complete CHSOS® Examination
- Recognition of CHSOS®
- Renewal of CHSOS®
CHSOS® Handbooks
Individuals who are applying to become a CHSOS® should read the Application Handbook (pdf).
Individuals who are currently certified as a CHSOS® and wish to renew or recertify should read the Renewal Handbook (pdf).
CHSOS® Development
Consistent with its mission, SSH developed the certification process for educators focused on healthcare simulation. This program has been developed over a number of years with the input of many individuals representing a wide variety of backgrounds and experience in healthcare simulation. Individuals from the international healthcare simulation community including other simulation societies contributed to the success of CHSOS® Certification. SSH thanks everyone who has participated in the development of CHSOS® Certification.
Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist®, CHSOS®, and the CHSOS® logo are all trademarks of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. A currently certified CHSOS® may use the CHSOS® title as prescribed in the CHSOS® handbook. All other uses are forbidden without the express written consent of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
Questions? Contact the Certification Coordinator