Helpful Links and Information

From our SSH Corporate Roundtable Members

  • 3D Systems - COVID-19 E-LEARNING Clinical and Didactic Resources.  Simply fill out this contact form and request a user name and password for our COVID-19 e-learning materials
  • Avkin - COVID 19 Resources
  • Body Interact - Five Scenarios on the Diagnosis and Treatment of COVID-19 with Virtual Patients
  • CAE Healthcare - COVID-19 Resource Center
  • Echo Healthcare - Free COVID-19 Scenario
  • Education Management Solutions - COVID-19 Contingency Planning
  • IngMar Medical - COVID-19 Knowledge Base
  • KbPort - Simulated Medical Records for Patient Charting and Medication Dispensation
  • Kognito - Virtual Simulation - To access the simulation go to and use enrollment key: ssh2020. Access is provided free of charge until 5/30/20.
  • Laerdal - FREE Online Training Tool: COVID-19 skills training
  • Limbs & Things – Free Suture Tutor (Single User) Access
  • Medical-X – COVID-19 Innovative Solutions News and Updates
  • PCS - Telehealth Case for COVID-19 Screening
  • Simulab - COVID-19 Resource Center
  • SimX - 2 Free Virtual Reality Simulation Cases designed to train doctors, nurses, and other staff on PPE, triage, diagnosis, and treatment for COVID patients
  • SonoSim - Complimentary Online Course Access to Sim Center Educators

From our SSH Affiliates

Publications, Research Articles & Press Releases

  • Simulation in Healthcare, the Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, published a special issue on highly communicable disease management in 2016.  Articles address simulation topics aimed at preparing front-line workers, testing hospital preparedness plans, simulating the spread of a contagion within physical environments, deploying distributed training, and cases for understanding disease and its transmission risks. These articles are freely available to the public and can be accessed at: 

SSH Online Events (Free unless otherwise noted)

To view the recordings, please visit the SimSeries Webinars page.

*SSH Open Forum Discussions are limited to 500 participants. All discussions will be recorded and made available via archive on this page.
**Some presentations have slides or PDFs available. Click here for more information.

General Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Information

Wiser video for Donning and Doffing
VA power point of conservation of PPE
YouTube Donning & Doffing resources
CDC recommendations for donning & doffing
CDC recommendations for cleaning surfaces

Face shield mask template and additional COVID resources


General Simulation & COVID-19 Information

SSH Anesthesia Section Resource Videos

Webinars (Free unless otherwise noted)


Social Media

SimConnect on

Connect with peers in our forum. Here's how to get started:

To Join the COVID-19 community on SimConnect: 

  1. Login or Create an SSH Account
  2. Go to My SSH
  3. Go to My Profile 
  4. Select Interest Groups
  5. Select include me in the COVID-19 Simulation Discussion Affinity Group
  6. Select SimConnect
  7. Go to Communities > My Communities > COVID-19 simulation discussion affinity group

New to SimConnect? Click Here!

DISCLAIMER: This resource page is provided as a service. The Society for Simulation in Healthcare is not responsible for the opinions and information provided by others through links on this page. SSH disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted on this site, whether posted by Society for Simulation in Healthcare or any third party; this disclaimer includes all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall SSH be liable for any special, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site.
