CKitchen posted on July 05, 2023 11:28
Hello, Champions! It’s time to tell your story!

If you’re not sure what that means, I’m talking about Healthcare Simulation Week 2023, Sept. 18-22. This year’s theme - “Be a Champion of Your Success Story” - is incredibly cool because it puts direct focus and community support on all of the amazing work you, your peers, and the healthcare simulation industry have done and are doing in the spirit of improving patient outcomes!
It has been an absolute blast collaborating with this year’s planning team — Priscilla Loanzon, Shannon DiMarco, and John Alex — and coming up with the theme and direction for Healthcare Simulation Week. Out of that work, there are several resources and tools ready NOW for you to use ahead of September!
If you haven’t already done so, click the "Healthcare Simulation Week" link above and check out the:
- OFFICIAL PARTICIPATION MAP – SSH loves to show how large the global healthcare simulation community has grown! Use the embedded form on the page to submit your center’s info and get your pin on the official map!
- NEW EVENT CALENDAR — New this year, individuals/organizations can submit their Healthcare Simulation Week event (events happening during the week that are healthcare simulation related) via the sign-up form embedded on the page. SSH will post them on the page regularly. You can see several events already listed!
- OFFICIAL HEALTHCARE SIMULATION WEEK 2023 STORE — All banners, gifts, team prizes, public giveaways, etc. you need are here - through our friends at the Jim Coleman Store!
- BRANDING AND MARKETING TOOLKIT – Need to download the official logo? Get a banner or printable ad? Find that social media file you need for a post? It’s ALL here.
There is so much … and it’s only July! I truly can not wait for September and see how you all CHAMPION YOUR SUCCESS STORY!
If you aren’t familiar with Healthcare Simulation Week in general, this grassroots celebration has grown worldwide since its inception about six years ago. Through different themes and activities, Healthcare Simulation Week has expanded and provdied a centralized way for everyone in healthcare simulation - at any level - to bring attention to the crucial work being done in the industry to support patient safety and improved care. We are thrilled to see this initiative continue to grow each year - thanks to everyone who participates and celebrates!
If you have any questions, please email We’re here to help and make sure you have what you need to make your Healthcare Simulation Week celebration the best one yet!
Curtis Kitchen, CAE
SSH Director of Marketing