CKitchen posted on October 16, 2023 14:33
Right off the bat, congratulations to all confirmed IMSH 2024 presenters!
The IMSH Planning Team received more than 1,100 submissions to be considered for presentation at IMSH, and it is thrilled to be able to accept a total of almost 700 of those for IMSH 2024 in areas including workshops, hot topics, panel presentations, immersives, research posters and orals, SimVentors and Tech Proceeding orals! We can’t wait to release the full content line up for you all later this fall.
If you submitted to present at IMSH 2024 and did not receive a notification letter, please contact SSH sincerely thanks the planning team members for their dedication and thoroughness in selecting the highest-quality content for IMSH attendees, who we will see in just three months. The countdown is on!
IMSH 2024 registration and hotel reservations are now open! To get the lowest registration rates, be sure to register before the early bird deadline on Oct. 20, 2023. YOU DON’T NEED TO PAY TO LOCK IN SAVINGS. Just complete the registration and then pay the full amount within 30 days. Easy! So, get registered and start your travel planning to attend IMSH 2024, Jan. 20-24, in San Diego!
CHSE and CHSOS Blueprint Review Course October cohorts just started on Oct.8. We have ONE space available in the CHSOS cohort, so it’s not too late to register to claim the final spot. All content is recorded and made available for on demand viewing.
Our next CHSE and CHSOS courses will be offered both live and virtually in conjunction with IMSH 2024. You’ll be able to register for these sessions when you complete your IMSH 2024 registration.
CHSE & CHSOS cohorts are led by experienced simulation experts who will help you build your core knowledge of simulation principles and practice. CHSE and CHSOS courses will also allow you to earn IPCE as well as test your knowledge by including a practice exam ($75 value) with your registration.
**NEWLY AVAILABLE is the CHSE Blueprint Reference Manual! This brand new SSH resource is comprised of a summary and practice questions with rationales for each KSA. Get yours HERE for only $89. As you dig into this fantastic new resource, keep in mind that while some items have been removed completely, the new examination blueprints are not drastically different from the old blueprints. There are a very limited number of new concepts (less than four or five per each examination blueprint). And, the number of test questions will remain at 115, while the time to take the exam will remain at two hours (three hours for ESL). Click here for more info on both CHSE and CHSOS!
The next SSH Teaching Accreditation Cohort will begin Nov. 5, 2023. Join this online cohort for help in learning the essential standards required for a successful accreditation application. Course participants will earn 7.0 IPCE while working with our facilitators who will help you develop a plan to address your organization’s areas of strengths/weaknesses and help guide your self-study development process.
And, the final cohort for the 2023 Best Practices Workshop has begun. If you missed the opportunity to participate in this course in 2023, these cohorts will start again in spring 2024.
Busy, EXCITING, times!
Trenell Croskey
Director of Continuing Education