CKitchen | The Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Entries for 'CKitchen'

Greetings from the Certification Team!   As we are in the process of launching the new examination blueprints for the CHSE and CHSOS examin...

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Hello, CHAMPIONS! What a Healthcare Simulation Week we just had! Last week wrapped my fifth Healthcare Simulation Week, however, this year was ...

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Happy Healthcare Simulation Week 2023!   It’s been so amazing to see the excitement around #HCSimWeek23!  It is truly an honor t...

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Here in the upper Midwest, trees are showing colorful dresses, which means September, which means …  IMSH 2024 registration is OPEN! &n...

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IMSH 2024 is going to be AMAZING! As I come to you, all content reviews are being finalized, the decisions will be emailed soon, and IMSH&...

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SSH Accreditation is proud to announce we received a record number application submissions from our most recent application deadline!  Acc...

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Greetings from the Certification Team!   We’ve been busy over the past few weeks performing a review of every item in both the CHSE ...

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Recently, I attended the American Society of Association Executives Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, as an ASAE member.   It was my vers...

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Looking to become more involved with SSH?   We have so many exciting opportunities available to volunteer and serve your community of globa...

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Effective Use of Existing Mobile Technologies to Augment Simulation-Based Experiences Authors Guy C. Gilbert, MS, CHSOS-A, CHSE1 Kelsey Launer...

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