CKitchen | The Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Entries for 'CKitchen'

Novice to Advanced: A Roadmap for Simulation Operations Certification Success Author Adrienne D. Wilk, PhD, RN, CHSE, CNE, CHSOS-A1 1Austin P...

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Promoting Psychological Safety through the Incorporation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) throughout Simulation Centers’ Operations ...

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The Use of Escape Room Simulations in Undergraduate Medical Education  Authors Alexa R. Lauinger, BS1, Athena Ryals BS3, Mae Vogel, MS3, Sh...

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Development of an Inexpensive, Reusable, Novel Emergency Department Thoracotomy Partial Task Trainer Authors Mark J. Bullard1, MD, MS-HPEd, Chri...

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Examining the Use of a Digital Stethoscope within an Academic Medical Center Nursing Program Authors Joseph W. Tacy, Ph.D., RN1; Alaina Herringt...

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I am excited to share that SSH is once again 5,000+ members strong!  What an amazing growth year it has been so far in the field of healthcare...

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SSH is pleased to welcome new Director of Development, Jeff Hale, to the full-time staff! Jeff started with SSH at the beginning of October, and he...

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Right off the bat, congratulations to all confirmed IMSH 2024 presenters!   The IMSH Planning Team received more than 1,100 submissions to ...

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We are proud to announce that SSH's Council for Accreditation of Healthcare Simulation Programs and its offerings continues to expand!   ...

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The SSH Certification Council is pleased to announce the launch of new CHSE and CHSOS exams to match the blueprints that resulted from the recent inte...

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