crupp | The Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Entries for 'crupp'

Greetings, Colleagues! I can’t believe it is already May! As I begin this month’s news, thank you to everyone who made IMSH Delivers...

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3000. From 40 countries. And more every day. Thank you to everyone who has become certified since 2012—your dedication to healthcare si...

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Hey, friends! We all have stories from the past year, don’t we? In many ways, both personally and professionally, we learned so much about ou...

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Hello from the office of SSH Accreditation! We’re excited because the next SSH Accreditation application submission deadline is right around ...

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Greetings, SSH members! I don’t know about you, but the first few months of this year have absolutely flown by! Already a quarter into my ...

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Your Fellows of the SSH Academy (FSSH) have been busy during IMSH Delivers!  We have been able to highlight the great simulation work of ...

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Greetings! Hopefully, this message finds everyone having a continued positive experience through IMSH Delivers. I want to begin there with a hearty...

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What do they want out of me? It wasn’t too long after I joined my first associations about eight years ago that I received my first volunteer...

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We are officially into our second month of 2021 and some exciting progress is being made! Around the globe, vaccines are being distributed and giving ...

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We can’t wait to see you! Join us as return to onsite, in-person educational programming for SSH SimOps 2021: UNIFY, being held in Tam...

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