Governance Committee



Governance Committee

The governance committee shall be responsible for developing processes to ensure annual board
evaluation/quality of performance, board orientation, conflict of interest disclosure, management and
resolution, and ongoing board education. The Governance committee shall also be responsible for
performing an annual Bylaws review by the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year (September 30th), as
required to effectively provide oversight of the Society’s institutional integrity and governance. The
Governance committee shall conduct an annual review of board committee functions and structure. The
Governance Committee shall provide recommendations for Bylaw changes and guidance to The Board of
Directors for documenting and implementing modifications to the Society’s operational or governance
structure. The Governance committee shall also be responsible for developing the process and ensuring
implementation of an annual performance review of the Executive Director, Editor in Chief, and other
positions as directed by the Board.

Robin Wootten
Robin Wootten
Jennifer Manos
Jennifer Manos
Staff Liaison
Andrew Spain
Andrew Spain
Staff Liaison

