New certification program for a growing profession in healthcare simulation, the operations specialist. > The Society for Simulation in Healthcare
May 8, 2014: The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) and The SSH Certification Committee are pleased to announce Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist program (CHSOS) is open in its Pilot Phase. Applicants can now apply to become a CHSOS! This is an exciting step forward to support and recognize the knowledge, skills, and abilities of operations specialists in healthcare simulation. Developed over eighteen months, SSH would like to thank the individuals who helped bring this new certification program to fruition.

Professional certification programs are an important piece of recognition of the specialized knowledge and commitment to professional development operations specialists have demonstrated around the globe. A certification program can help employers identify skilled employees and ensure that their programs meet high standards based on best practices and industry standardizations. This program strengthens patient safety efforts through support of simulation modalities. To apply visit

SSH is a multi-disciplinary, multi-specialty, international society with ties to all medical specialties, nursing, allied health, paramedical personnel, simulation technologist, simulation technician and industry. Consistent with its mission, SSH developed the certification process for operations specialists focused on healthcare simulation over a number of years with the input individuals representing a wide variety of backgrounds and experience in healthcare simulation. Individuals from the international healthcare simulation community including other simulation societies contributed to the success of CHSOS Certification

For information about CHSOS or The Society for Simulation in Healthcare, go to

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