crupp posted on February 21, 2018 10:10
President’s Message February 2018
Hello! My name is Joe Lopreiato and I am your new SSH President for 2018. I introduced myself at IMSH, but for those of you who were not there or missed my introduction, my bio and background are on the SSH website for you to review.
I am a general pediatrician and simulationist and have been in the field of healthcare simulation since the mid-1990s when I experimented with incognito simulated patients in a pediatric clinic environment to test the effectiveness of a new curriculum on health maintenance. Since then, I have grown in experience in all forms of simulation including SPs, mannequins, task trainers and augmented/virtual reality. I am the medical director of a large simulation center at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences near Washington, DC USA. I am a federal employee of the US Government and live in the United States. I hope to get to know many of, both online and in-person, in the months ahead.
I plan to write a monthly column that keeps you up to date on major Board of Director initiatives. Your Board has completed a strategic priorities plan of action for the next 12-24 months that will serve you and the simulation community in new and better ways.
Your Board has identified seven priorities to guide our work. Below is an overview of these priorities, and each month, I will provide more detail on each.
1. Strengthen the organizational infrastructure to achieve our strategic priorities.
2. Develop and pursue an advocacy agenda with health systems, insurers, professional associations, select government agencies, industry, specialty groups and patient based associations.
3. Increase the depth and breadth and type of education offerings and materials to our members. This Includes ideas like native language content.
4. Innovate offerings and delivery at future IMSHs to create the best possible user experience.
5. Advance simulation in healthcare globally.
6. Continue to facilitate the execution and publication of research that advances the use of simulation in healthcare.
7. Extend the types of accreditations and certifications to include fellowship programs, administrative certificates and executive certificates.
The Board of Directors and I are dedicated to serve you, our members. Together with our volunteer and paid staff we will work hard to make SSH an important part of your career as a simulation professional. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Joe Lopreiato MD, MPH, CHSE
SSH President 2018