The #IMSH2020 App AND Session Scheduler are READY!
If you're already fully registered (your registration must be paid in full), reserve your spot in the IMSH 2020 sessions you want before they fill up!
Here's how to build your schedule:
1. Search for “SSH Events” in your App store and download it.
2. Click the IMSH 2020 event.
3. Use the blue “Manage/View My Sessions” button to search and view sessions, or use the red “Manage My Sessions” button to go directly to the log-in screen. (Both buttons will ask you to log in. Log in using the same email address that you used to register for IMSH 2020.)
4. Click the session you want to add to your schedule.
5. Click the “Add to Schedule” button to save your seat!
Register NOW for #IMSH2020 so you can use the online scheduler!
Questions: Email