crupp posted on July 22, 2020 09:47
Friends, I hope that you are staying safe, masked up, socially distant, and relatively sane.
Last month, I mentioned we were preparing a statement to address historical and recent acts of racism, prejudice, and brutality.
Shortly after that message hit the web, SSH released a statement, which announced the formation of a Diversity Task Force to address diversity within both the healthcare simulation industry and our membership. It also announced the formation of a Health Equity Working Group to establish an open, freely available "Addressing Implicit Bias" curriculum for consumption by the public. I am working with the Board and SSH staff to get these two groups established and operational.
Stay tuned to SSH email and our website for additional news, updates, and requests.
We are in the middle of SimOps DELIVERS. It is not too late to participate, as it runs from now through August 26. In case you are unaware, we created a very flexible asynchronous schedule that includes ala carte and comprehensive package pricing. Content will be available for up to six months, or until February 2021. This is an excellent way to get your entire shop involved in SimOps - all the content, without the cost of travel!
Virtual Scholars Program applications are due Wednesday, July 29. The deadline was extended for two weeks, so take advantage of this opportunity! Recall that this program, through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Fellows Academy and Research Committee, is designed for members of the simulation community who have relatively little experience with research and scholarship and are seeking additional mentoring and research training. The program makes it possible for selected scholars to expand their knowledge and better contribute to the discipline through scientific inquiry.
Healthcare Simulation Week is coming up, September 14-20. If you are like me, time is passing at a seemingly accelerated rate. So, I encourage you to start planning - early and often - for this year's global celebration of healthcare simulation and simulationists! COVID-19 should not put a damper on our party!
Make sure you check out and use the free media toolkit. And, while you’re at it, make sure you put your center on the Healthcare Simulation Week 2020 Participation Map – let us know how and where you’re celebrating! You can access both the toolkit and map, along with other updated information as it becomes available, here.
Lastly, please know that the Board and the staff are looking at all potential and available options for the 2021 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), currently scheduled for January 9-13 in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA).
Travel restrictions, funding limitations, the state of infection, and all the other unknowns and dynamic conditions driven by COVID-19 are being considered in the planning of IMSH. While it is too soon to make any hard calls about IMSH, one thing we DO know is that IMSH will happen, one way or another. Send all your positive energy to the planning team and staff as they work to keep their footing in constantly shifting sand.
I hope you get some "vacation/staycation" time of some sort this summer. Stay masked, stay safe, and keep spreading that positivity!
Bob Armstrong
SSH President