CKitchen | The Society for Simulation in Healthcare

Entries for 'CKitchen'

It’s hard to believe that 2024 is coming to an end so soon, but we are excited for what 2025 has on the horizon.  Join us on Monday,...

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Innovative and Inexpensive Designs for Wound Packing Task Trainers (PDF) Authors Brian F. Quach, BS1, Victoria Lesser, BS2,3, Eric Nohelty, BS, ...

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Simulation Operations Problem-Solving Tool: Anticipate, Act, Amend (PDF) Authors Amy Follmer, CHSE, CHSOS-A, FSSH1, Amanda Carmack, DNP, MBA, RN...

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Designing a Control Room to Support Manikin-Based, Standardized Patient, and Mixed Methods Simulations (PDF) Authors Kelly C. Klerk, Ed.S., M.Ed...

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Sim-Portant Conversations Podcast: An Approach to Professional Development (PDF) Authors Takara L. Schomberg1, Alyssa R. Zweifel1, Brittany S. F...

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Simulation Operations Specialist Training: Need of the Hour (PDF)   The use of technology in healthcare simulation has been rapidly evo...

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As we approach the end of 2024, it is providing the SSH Membership Department plenty of things to be thankful for!   We are full s...

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One of the primary goals of the SSH Fund is expanding access to the field of healthcare simulation.    Currently, we are doing that by...

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There are just NINE weeks left until IMSH 2025, and this November, SSH Accreditation is incredibly excited about what's to come! ...

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Hello, SSH Community!   I hope this message finds you in good health. With November upon us, I'm pleased to bring you the latest ne...

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