The SSH Academy is pleased to announce the new Fellows of the SSH Academy. This diverse and talented group of individuals from around the world has de...

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So... we are heading into month eight of the pandemic shutdowns. This year has been a bit of a dumpster fire, right? That said, I choose to focus...

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With a heavy heart, in light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and its effect on rules regarding large public gatherings, the Society for Simulation...

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Hi, fellow Simulationists! I hope you are healthy, coping with our new normal and being as creative with simulation as ever! As SSH Immediate Past-...

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Friends, I hope that you are staying safe, masked up, socially distant, and relatively sane. Last month, I mentioned we were preparing a statement ...

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SSH Position Statement Regarding: Racism, Prejudice, and Brutality (June 24, 2020) The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) wholehear...

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Greetings fellow Simulationists! I hope you are well, properly PPE-ed, and remaining positive. There is a lot to be positive about, you know! The S...

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Hello, fellow Simulationists! What strange times we are living in! For many parts of the world, restrictions are cautiously being lifted. Hopefully...

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During these unprecedented times, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare understands the uncertainty regarding any upcoming travel to and participat...

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Greetings, During these unprecedented times, the Society for Simulation in Healthcare understands the uncertainty you likely have regarding any upc...

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