Happy November to all. As the seasons begin to change around the world, it is time to think about planning to come to the 19th annual International Me...

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Happy November to all. As the seasons begin to change around the world, it is time to think about planning to come to the 19th annual International Me...

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Happy November to all. As the seasons begin to change around the world, it is time to think about planning to come to the 19th annual International Me...

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In this month’s newsletter, I’d like to acknowledge the incredible successes that SSH is seeing and the people who are making them happen....

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Hello fellow simulation colleagues. I recently returned from the Society’s SimOps conference in Portland Oregon, USA. I was impressed. The Pacif...

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Presidential Message July 2018 Advocating for Healthcare Simulation Happy Summer to all in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Winter to our colle...

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SimOps 2018 is featured in a new podcast on Simulcast. Take a few minutes to learn about all the exciting professional development content that will b...

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Hello, this month’s “Column from the President” is from your President-elect, KT Waxman.  Happy summer! The focus of this...

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I am pleased to share some exciting news about the June issue of Simulation in Healthcare. First, a new feature for the journal makes its debut ...

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Dear SSH Members, During my President, and now Immediate Past President, year, the SSH Board of Directors has taken a deep and foundational dive to...

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